During the month of February, the Our Healthy Kentucky Home campaign focuses on disaster preparedness. Disaster preparedness is essential to protecting and preserving our health and wellness, as it helps minimize the negative impact of emergencies on physical and mental health. Essentially, it's about being ready for the unexpected. We encourage you to use the resources below to personalize the Our Healthy Kentucky Home campaign to meet your unique circumstances.
Disaster Preparedness Resources
American Red Cross
Centers for Disease Control
Kentucky Department for Public Health
Sharable Resources

Disasters and most emergencies are beyond our control, but preparation and planning done ahead of time can lessen their impact on our family's health and safety. Visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov to learn more. Join the #OurHealthyKyHome campaign.
You and your family can prepare for disasters or emergencies by packing an emergency supply kit containing food, water, first aid and other supplies. Choose food options such as nuts, dried fruit and tuna keeping in mind any special dietary needs.Visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov to learn more. Join the #OurHealthyKyHome campaign.
Take time before a disaster to practice your emergency plan to lessen the impact on your family's health and safety. In doing so, you can gain confidence in your ability to respond to, withstand and recover from the stress and adversity of an emergency.Visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov to learn more. Join the #OurHealthyKyHome campaign.
Disasters and emergencies are stressful events that can affect how you and your family react. Discussing emergency plans helps reduce fear and ensures that family members are ready and know what to do when emergencies happen. Visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov to learn more. Join the #OurHealthyKyHome campaign.
An emergency kit should contain enough food, water, first aid and other supplies that can last you and your family for several days. When preparing your emergency kit choose food options high in protein and fiber such as tuna and nuts which can help keep you full and provide essential nutrients. Visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov to learn more. Join the #OurHealthyKyHome campaign.
Do you know what to do in the event of a disaster or emergency? A family emergency plan is an important part of the preparedness process which outlines what to do, where to go and how to communicate with your loved ones in case of an emergency.Learn how to create an emergency plan by visiting ready.gov/plan. To learn more visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov #OurHealthyKYHome
There are many ways to take action and prepare before a disaster occurs.Visit https://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/2021-06/ready_12-ways-to-prepare_postcard.pdf to download a helpful FEMA checklist detailing some of the most important ways to help yourself, your family and your community increase your preparedness.Visit OurHealthyKyHome.ky.gov to learn more. Join the #OurHealthyKyHome campaign.